[email protected]
Estate settlement; estate and gift tax planning, probate and trust law; residential real estate; advising and representing small business clients.
Education: Washington & Lee University (B.A., cum laude); Albany Law School of Union University (J.D.)
Court admissions: Admitted to practice before all Vermont courts; United States District Court, District of Vermont.
Professional and service positions: Board of Trustees, Burr and Burton Academy, Member, 1982-, Chair, 1986-1990, 2000-2002, 2020-. Director, Factory Point National Bank, 1985-2007. Associate Member, Vermont Board of Bar Examiners, 2002-2008. Former member of Manchester Zoning Board of Adjustment, Recreation Commission and Board of Civil Authority.
Personal interests: Youth sports; community service; history; hiking, Nordic skiing and snowshoeing.