We have more than 37 years’ experience in the fields of estate planning and of trust and estate administration. We know or get to know our clients and their families, and in some cases have provided representation into the third generation.

In planning your estate, we take our responsibilities seriously. We will listen carefully to your wishes and goals and work with you to prepare and implement a carefully drafted, efficient, practical estate plan. Your estate plan can set up to avoid probate when desired, or to take advantage of Vermont’s relatively informal probate process if warranted. We believe in a “team approach” and if you desire we will work closely with your trusted tax and financial management advisors.

We work with a broad range of clients – from those of modest means to individuals with high net worth and special assets.

We recognize that the administration of trusts and estates often begins in a period of distress and uncertainty. We will respond promptly and decisively, but also with empathy, as we guide executors and trustees through the step by step process of discharging their fiduciary duties in a timely, proper and efficient manner.